EMS has been an amazing journey. In the beginning, an ambulance had lights, siren, oxygen, and a prayer! Then came CPR, immobilization equipment, advanced first aid and, in the early 70s, EMTs and Paramedics with cardiac monitoring/defibrillation capabilities. In the early 80s & 90s, we implemented, with the volunteer fire departments’ support, the QRS system and the first AED programs in Pennsylvania.
Now heart patient EKGs are sent from the field to the Cardiac Labs, post cardiac hypothermic protocols are implmented, and trauma patients have lifesaving treatments and drugs. Patients with severe pain can get relief prior to entering the hospital. Treatment, Training, Equipment and Vehicles have improved immeasurably in fifty years. Your support has given us the opportunity to implement new and sophisticated care and create programs that benefit all. We hope to continue to provide the highest quality and compassionate respectful care.
Read our historical journey